This is a “hands-on” Feldenkrais private lesson. Practitioners are trained to detect minute resistances in your movement patterns which often represent emotional, psychological or physical limitations. They use highly sensitive touch and gentle exploratory movements to help you find freedom from compulsive, imprisoning patterns. It’s a big relief! This is a more intensive aspect of the work in which the practitioner communicates opportunities for change in another person’s organization through gentle touch and specific guided movements. This kind of subtle, supportive touch is rarely felt, and feels deeply nourishing and relaxing. FI’s feel great! The lessons are particularly suitable for people with specific problems such as back, neck, shoulder or other chronic pain, movement limitations or a need to improve any type of function. The human organism has the potential to experience peak awareness, not just during moments of heightened danger or demand, but at every moment. By developing this ability, you will learn to move more efficiently, listen more carefully, make fewer mistakes, limit injuries, and enrich your life as well as the life of others around you.