Reset your Body and Brain!
Try the Feldy 10-Day Challenge July 8-17
10 daily consecutive 30-minute Feldenkrais® classes ONLINE at 11AM ET, 8AM PT, 4PM BST, 5PM CET, starting Thursday July 8th, ending Saturday, July 17th.
Boost your brain and immune system, revive your life and spirits, move much better, calm your nerves, diminish your pain – and feel great!
Attend all ten 30-minute classes for only $75, including recordings.
Suitable for all levels of ability – it’s Feldenkrais!
I recommend that you attend live each day for the optimal experience, but if you can’t, then try to do the recording as soon as possible each day.
Email me if you have any questions.
See you soon!
Beginning Thursday, July 8th 11:00AM EDT
I will be teaching you one 30-minute Awareness through Movement lesson each day for ten days.
We’ll look at how we can improve everyday functions such as breathing, walking, sitting, standing, turning, speaking, reaching, smiling, rolling and crawling. And thinking.
We will address the fundamental principles and strategies that are an integral part of the Feldenkrais Method: the importance of distribution of effort, using ground forces, balance and counterbalance, moving in any direction without hesitation or preparation, letting the big bones and muscles do the big work, slowing down to improve our capacity to make fine distinctions, and undoing habits no longer useful.